
Hallo! Below are links to my personal sources and things for you to use!


All users below are not authorized to own or distribute any of my works. I will not do business with these individuals even through other people.Nervoushorse / Firebug_gc / trusquitchamp / pearl.stally / / l0velyartists / hello.adopts / vivid.attraction.stables - known as Emmy/Emarusa.
These are all the same person. Years of theft. She has stolen my original designs, works, and many others. Harassment. Has filed “police reports” and “court orders” as a scare tactic to keep people from calling them out on their theft.
Floofydick/Floofyheart/tojicoo - renowned for feral NSFW, zoo, absolutely vile personality.Moosadoptzz/faerxiie/Mel/Moo - used to rp equine NSFW, drawn feral NSFW, and has stolen designs. Takes purchased designs back illegally. Has traced my work and claimed as her own. Owns Seb, im aware. This is the only character she might rightfully have from me.